Your Story Matters: Become Our Guest

“You don’t need to be Steve Jobs or Oprah Winfrey to inspire people. You are inspirational to others in so many ways because you are God’s Masterpiece” Ernest B Makulilo


Guest Invitation Form: Share Your Story

We at EBM SCHOLARS are always looking to inspire and educate our audience through real-life stories. we invite you to share your journey and insights on our platform. Your experience could illuminate the path for many around the globe.

Personal Information

Write your Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, X (Twitter), TikTok and so forth. Such accounts will help us to know more about you in preparation for the interview, and sharing to our audience to follow/subscribe to your accounts.

Your Experience (Your Story You Want To Share)

While we cannot offer monetary compensation, your participation will significantly impact building a community of informed and successful people.
EBM SCHOLARS uses either English or Kiswahili language. Choose the language you would like to use.
Consent to Share Story: (Checkbox) I consent to share my story on EBM SCHOLARS and all social media under the EBM SCHOLARS and understand that the interview will be conducted without monetary compensation.